S.O.S.T.A.C: What it really means
Situation –
The first letter of SOSTAC is S which stands for Situation, the meaning behind situation is SOSTAC is for knowing where a company is at in terms of marketing. It is there to see how a company is performing in the market, how well the company is doing at the point of writing the report. The reason for it to see how everything to do with the company or marketing campaign is doing.
Objective –
O in SOSTAC stands for objective then, the reasoning behind the use of objectives in SOSTAC marketing is to state what the company or marketing campaign wants to achieve, their goals for either short term or long term. What are their Business Objectives or their Marketing Objectives. They will use the SMART test for their objectives too, SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Reasonable and Timed.
Strategy –
The second S in SOSTAC is for strategy, is the planning of the SOSTAC model. By using careful planning companies are able to build their formula to how they want to build towards the objective they have set already in the Objective part of SOSTAC. They will pick their key strengths and how they can work on them to achieve the goals they have set for themselves.
Tactics -
The T in SOSTAC then stands for Tactics, the tactics is for the specific tools that companies use to try to identify the objectives they need to achieve with using the skills and tools. Tactics is also for using a variety of necessary marketing tools such as the five P's of marketing, they use various marketing mixes as well such as the "SEO", "Pay-Per-Click" and "Email Marketing".